About US

Dedicated Exclusively To Guiding You & Your Loved Ones Towards A More Comfortable Mental Space


Psychotherapy Treatment For Anxiety, Depression, & Other Disorders Affecting Mental Wellbeing


In-Person & Telemedicine Available. Service Available in Russian & English

The uniqueness of each and every one of us means we all require different care. It is important to understand this when beginning any form of mental health and/or therapy treatment in NYC


Being a functioning adult in NYC brings upon a lot of responsibilities and more noticeably, a lot of weight upon ones shoulders. Whether it be managing workload and finances, juggling marriage and your professional life, parenting, family time, and even divorce, there are many stressors that come with being an adult. Through focused talk and goal oriented therapy, we take a mindful approach when it comes to navigating the turbulence of adult life, especially in NYC.

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Children and Teens

(Ages 5 to 18)

Your child’s mental well-being Is paramount when considering your relationship with them and their quality of life. Our mindful methods are proven to lead to increased communication, cooperation, and an overall better at home life for you and your children. As your children age, they must navigate through a rather complex period of their lives, where they will be faced with anxiety from school, self esteem issues, pressure from social media, and other issues the modern age has brought upon us.

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Seniors And Older Adults

When entering your golden years, you will begin to encounter roadblocks not seen in your younger years. Some  of these include managing your health, loss of loved ones, depression from a changing lifestyle, and other  issues commonly experienced in your later years. Here at New Patterns Therapy, we will guide you towards stress free days through talk therapy in Brooklyn and goal-oriented therapy which serve to improve your mood and allow you to live a fuller life.

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Many say that communication is paramount to maintaining a healthy relationship.  Unfortunately it is never that simple. It is not easy navigating the many issues relationships encounter, many of these stemming from finances, work and home balance, parenting issues, and even the simple day-to-day tension that is common amongst almost many relationships. Together we can work to find a therapy method that suits both you and your partner. We seek to strengthen your relationship by providing you with tools that you can use outside of therapy to strengthen and build your relationship two become one that is intimate and healthy again. We also provide services for couples in a healthy relationship who simply seek to improve their intimacy or friendship.

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